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01566 772375

Jack Crosley

Jack Crosley is a member of the Litigation department and assistant to director Katherine, with 2021 marking his fifth year at the firm. Jack began working at Parnalls as a conveyancing assistant but is now working towards a Level 6 Diploma in Law and Practice to become a Chartered Legal Executive specialising in Civil Litigation.


If you have some sort of legal problem you may find yourself in need of the services of a lawyer. It may be you already have a lawyer who has acted for you previously and in whom you have trust and confidence, in which case you would probably go to them and proceed quite happily,

New Divorce Law – Collaborative Divorce & Mediation

Sympathetic and effective guidance to help you find a balanced route to separation Finding The Fairest Solution There are several alternatives to court for divorcing couples, and for many people they can result in a more positive and less expensive outcome than the court process.   Your solicitor can help you identify which one you think