Equestrian and Animal Disputes
Specialist, experienced lawyers in equine and animal related matters
All sorts of disputes can arise regarding animals and most commonly these relate to horses and dogs.
Equestrian law is a very specialised area. You have to understand the world of horses, of people who keep and work with them and be familiar with the terminology and practices. Here at Parnalls we have that expertise. You also have to have expertise in the relevant aspects of the law and experience of dealing with the claims.
Claims involving horses can arise for all sorts of reasons. There may be a dispute regarding the sale or purchase of an animal which will often relate to its characteristics and behaviour.
There may have been an accident involving a horse with third party damage and injury. Accidents involving horses can involve very serious injury.
Here at Parnalls we have dealt with many cases involving horses and equestrian matters and you can be confident of receiving a professional service which will get you the very best results.
We also have experience of other animal related cases such as those involving dogs, again possibly regarding the sale and purchase of dogs, and also accidents or attacks involving dogs, which again can result in very serious injuries and must be dealt with the appropriate expertise.
If you have any dispute involving animals and require legal assistance then contact us without delay.
Katherine Flashman Kitson
Director and Head of the Litigation Department
- Email Katherine
- 01566 772 375
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