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01566 772375

Talk to us:

01566 772375

Buying & Selling a Business

We’ll help you to maximise your sale, efficiently and responsibly

Fair Negotiations & Agreements For All Parties

There are many ways of selling a business.  From asset sale agreements to share sale agreements, our job is to help you identify the best end result and to help you realise it.  Whether you are selling a small firm to a private investor or a large business to an overseas firm, we can help you understand your choices and the impact they will have.

We will ensure that terms are written clearly and fairly, and that no clauses are constructed to your disadvantage.

We can support you in ensuring that purchase negotiations are fair and that contracts are well constructed and clear.

Due Diligence On All Matters

From due diligence to capital gains tax, we will ensure that you are well advised on all the matters that need consideration and which can impact on the end result of the sale.

We will highlight any key risks in the agreement. ring-fence any future exposure to warranty claims or indemnity and help with negotiating the contracts for key staff transferring with the sale.  Finally, we will ensure we realise timely completion.

Our team have a proven track record in guiding West Country businesses through a fully supported process which enables you to realise a positive sale, efficiently and with sensitivity to the people within your organisation at all times.

Ben Mitchell
