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Katherine Flashman Kitson attends Garden Party at Polwhele House

Parnalls Solicitors Katherine Flashman Kitson attended a Garden Party at Polwhele House to wish retiring Head Mrs Hilary Mann all the very best and thank her for all the work she has done. Katherine says “Mrs Mann was and is a wonderful Head, inspiring the children, leading the school and making it a happy and inclusive place. Her tenure as Head took the school through the pandemic when my daughter Minnie was a keyworker pupil, and made the school a positive and protective environment during very difficult times and I will always be immensely grateful for that. Heads are such important figures in school, not only for the business itself, but also for the children who attend. I had two amazing Headmistresses, Mrs Watkins at St Michael’s in Tavistock and then Miss Abley at St Dunstan’s Abbey in Plymouth, both of whom taught me that there was nothing I could not achieve if I set my mind to it; if there were glass ceilings I could smash through them, if I even noticed them there in the first place, which I didn’t. Thank you to Mrs Mann for all she has done, and I wish her all the very best for a well earned time away from working life.”

Tanya Roberts

Tanya Roberts

Tanya Roberts

Tanya Roberts

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