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Development proposals and your local authority search

When it comes to choosing a new home, your future surroundings can be as important as the building itself. But could somebody else’s development plans affect your property? Claire Wicks, Legal Executive in the Residential Property team at Parnalls Solicitors, looks at the planning and development information a local authority search will reveal, and offers

What can you do if your child is injured in a serious accident

Children’s birthday parties have become big business over the last few years and the type of events available offer ever more adrenaline-fueled activities. Gone are the days of a quick game of pass the parcel: these days sumo suits, laser shoots, go-karting and even crazy golf are all regularly featured on the birthday invitation. However,

NetRights welcomes new protection for social media users

This week the Government published its long-awaited White Paper on “Online Harms” which contains proposals intended to reduce harmful content on the internet. The key proposals include the establishing of a new duty of care to legally oblige tech firms to take steps to protect their users. Compliance with this duty will be overseen by


In today’s world driving a car is vital to mobility, flexibility and freedom, but we can all make mistakes – driving too fast, driving below a reasonable standard, etc. Speeding is a controversial subject. In truth, it is the one crime most people commit, probably every day. No responsible lawyer can ever say speeding is

Supreme Court recognises that social media is a “casual medium” in libel battle

In this long running defamation claim Mrs Stocker posted on Facebook of her husband, Mr Stocker, the words “He tried to strangle me”. Mr Stocker claimed that these words meant that he had tried to kill his wife but she claimed instead that they meant only that he had gripped her neck, inhibiting her breathing

Understanding Lasting Powers of Attorney

Dealing with an LPA? They’ve got some bad press recently. Allow us to shed some light on what can be a murky legal area. Lasting Powers of Attorney The press has recently been riddled with various horror stories on the topic of Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs) and their misuse. Families torn apart by overriding

Tax Planning for your inheritance

It’s a tricky but important topic. Have you given the tax implications for your inheritance enough attention? Deborah Adams, Director of Private Client Services at Parnalls Solicitors, explains what you need to think about when planning for your inheritance if you wish to minimise your tax bill (and we assume you do!). Inheritance tax: what

Ben Mitchell qualifies as a solicitor

Parnalls Solicitors marked a special occasion recently for employee Ben Mitchell as he officially qualified as a solicitor. At a presentation event, Directors of the leading Launceston law firm praised Ben for his hard work and commitment which has been supported by the company over a number of years. Having attended Launceston College, Ben went

Houses in multiple occupation – new rules from October 2018

The regulations governing houses in multiple occupation (HMOs) are changing on 1 October 2018.  They will now extend to smaller properties, affecting more landlords.  The rules on exactly what constitutes an HMO are complex and failure to comply is an offence, so landlords must get specialist legal advice to make sure they stay within the

Lasting Power of Attorney by Deborah Adams

Many people do now make the financial Lasting Powers of Attorney but unfortunately a large proportion do not wish to think about the health and welfare document, which could be equally important in the future if you were to lose mental capacity. We have recently spoken to a client whose husband has Alzheimer’s. The client