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Private Client Services

Information to gather for your probate solicitor

As executor of the estate, it is your responsibility to ensure your probate solicitor has all the information necessary to administer the estate. The amount of information will depend on the complexity of the deceased person’s various assets and investments and how well organised they were with their paperwork. ‘The better the information that you

Untangling Overseas Assets

Often people are unaware that shares or investments they hold may be registered in jurisdictions other than the UK. This can cause substantial delays and expenditure in relation to probate if they are left under a will. Not all jurisdictions will recognise a British grant of probate or letters of administration. This means when executors

When to consider appointing a professional attorney

With continuing advances in modern medicine, we are living longer than ever before and, while we are able to keep our bodies healthy and fit into older age, often our minds cannot keep pace. A power of attorney provides an additional means of support among those you trust if you are no longer able to

Coronavirus: Wills and Powers of Attorney FAQ

The continuing effects of coronavirus remain uncertain. Understandably, many people are concerned about its potential impact upon them and their loved ones. Deborah Adams Director of the Wills and Probate Department at Parnalls has put together some common questions clients are asking at this difficult time. You should check the Government website for the latest

Social Distancing No Obstacle for Parnall’s Mobile Document Signing Team

The present social distancing requirements imposed by the Government to slow the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic present a particular challenge for the execution and signing of legal documents.  For a will to be valid, it must be signed in the physical presence of two witnesses that are not beneficiaries under the will. This means

Services Update: Continuity of Legal Service Provision

These are concerning times for many. We want all of our clients to rest assured that our systems and processes continue to enable Parnalls to provide the full range of legal services our clients depend on. We have now put in place two new procedures to assist our clients as they navigate these uncertain times:

Advising You in Uncertain Times

In a period of just a few weeks, the arrival of the Covid-19 virus (Coronavirus) has dramatically reshaped society, the economy and the law. With new Government guidelines and legislation coming into force almost daily, it’s challenging for business owners and managers to know how best to protect their business and assets. For many, these

Coronavirus Update

Steps we’re taking to ensure we continue to serve you Even during these most unusual times, Parnalls are working for you. To ensure that all normal services can be provided throughout this challenging time, we have introduced the following measures: strict social distancing procedures within our office enhanced cleaning including thorough disinfection of surfaces availability

What happens when there is no health & care LPA in place

‘Never put off till tomorrow what may be done the day after tomorrow just as well,’ said Mark Twain in 1881 – when on average men died at 50 and women reached 56. Nowadays, average life expectancy for men in the UK is 79 and 83 for women, and one-in-every-fourteen people over 65 is likely

New organ donation law: giving you control

Around 6,000 people in the UK are on the transplant waiting list; and in 2018 alone, at least one person a day died while waiting for a transplant, according to the NHS. New laws on organ donation consent are coming into force in Spring 2020 which the government hopes will help save hundreds of lives.