This month I am celebrating 25 years of being a Director here at Parnalls Solicitors.
It is tough times as you all know, so celebrating special events is even more important and for me there is every reason to.
I joined Parnalls as a Director in January 1996. In some ways that sounds an age ago but in other ways it feels like only yesterday.
How much the firm has changed and indeed the world has changed in that 25 year period. At that time, I joined John, Jonathan and Mark Parnall and was then a Parnall myself. I felt excited and privileged to join a wonderful firm with such a long and illustrious history and heritage.
My 25 years is just a drop in the ocean when you consider the well over 200 years the firm has been in existence and providing legal services to clients.
I have learnt so much in my time here and continue to learn every day. I am assisted by a great team of people, all of whom help to make the firm what it is and enable us to deliver the services to clients that we do. I thank all the staff here at Parnalls, past and present, for making my working life a great one.
Most of all I thank the clients that I have acted for personally and that we as a firm have acted for. It is a privilege being part of their journey and in some cases acting over generations and witnessing families develop and thrive. In many cases I have been part of a client’s journey from the first meeting when the initial issues are discussed over what can be a long and difficult time until end conclusion, but it is a privilege and a pleasure to tread that path alongside clients in their business and personal affairs.
The last year has been difficult for everyone and I think has redefined the view of work which many of us have. We often talk about whether people work to live or live to work but I do not think it is as simple as that. We all need to earn a living, that’s for sure, and we are lucky to be able to do so in such a beautiful place as Cornwall and Devon but last year showed me that work is so much more than earning a living. It is a privilege, it is a constant, it is a strength and to be able to continue to do the work I know and love through difficult times was a great solace. I have realised that this work runs through my veins stronger than I knew, it has become part of me and defines who I am as well as what I do.
I am by no means the longest serving member of staff here at Parnalls, although as I say, I have been here for quarter of a century. Before Christmas we had a member of staff retire after just shy of 60 years. There must be something good about the place!
I can’t say I am going to go on for the next 25 years, but I certainly hope I can go on for a few years yet, continuing to share in the firm’s development, work alongside great colleagues and act for clients striving to achieve the very best results I can for them.
So thank you to all and here’s to the next decade.