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Katherine Flashman Kitson attended The Nutcracker Ballet at the Hall for Cornwall.

Parnalls Solicitors Katherine Flashman Kitson attended The Nutcracker Ballet at the Hall for Cornwall. Katherine says “It was my birthday yesterday and as one of my celebrations I was lucky enough to attend a wonderful production of The Nutcracker at our County’s renovated theatre by the Mergaliyev Classical Ballet. The production included snowflakes falling, the cannon going off and some beautiful dancing. The highlights for me were the dancer who played Clara/ The Sugarplum Fairy, and the pas de deux of the Arabian dance duet in Act 2 – absolutely beautiful, and all set to Tchaikovsky’s wonderful Nutcracker Suite Score. A total joy and I cannot believe how lucky we are to have performances like this locally. When I was a little girl the only place that we could see ballet locally was when the Royal Ballet came to a marquee in the car park at Central Park for a temporary period in the summer. That was spellbinding and began my love affair with ballet, and now we have so many more opportunities to see it in Devon and Cornwall”.


Tanya Roberts

Tanya Roberts

Tanya Roberts

Tanya Roberts

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