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Does your lawyer progress your accident claim efficiently and provide you with a personal and professional service? Can I change solicitors for my accident claim?

Simple answer – Yes you can.

Is it easy to do? – Pretty easy, yes.

If you have had an accident and are bringing a claim for injuries and losses as a result, you may well have been referred to solicitors through an organisation like your insurance company, whether that be motor insurers, home insurers, legal expense insurers etc. In other words, you may not have chosen that solicitors firm yourself but have been automatically referred to them and gone with the flow as it was convenient at the time.

Some people find themselves unhappy with the lawyers who are representing them for a variety of reasons. It may be you do not feel your claim is progressing as you would like; it may be you feel the lawyers do not really understand the full effects of the accident on your daily life, work, relationships etc. It may be that you do not have that relationship of trust and confidence, that bond that should exist between lawyer and client. This can often be the case where you have been referred to lawyers whom you never actually see and may have limited opportunities to speak to. It may be that you have not been able to have an initial meeting with the lawyer, meet him or her and have only communicated via questionnaires and emails. It may be that you do not even have an allocated lawyer but have various members of staff dealing with your case and no continuity or personal relationship. Many people find this sort of situation frustrating, particularly at a time when they feel vulnerable. Going through an accident is traumatic; suffering pain and discomfort is difficult; having your world turned upside down, work affected, relationships etc. is very challenging to deal with. So you are already feeling vulnerable and need to have 100% confidence in the service you have.

Perhaps you have thought about changing solicitors but think, can I do that? Will it be possible? Will it be difficult? Will it mean a huge bill? And, therefore, you have put it to the back of your mind and carried on.

You ought to be 100% happy with and confident in the lawyers who are acting for you in your claim. You should trust them and feel confident that they are doing the best job for you and that that will result in the best settlement for you. There is only one bite of the cherry so whatever settlement is reached, whether that is by agreement or by a court hearing, is the only settlement you will get and you want to be sure that is the best one. You also deserve a service that is personal and that you feel comfortable with.

Make sure you are happy with the lawyers you are with and if you are not, make enquiries as to another firm who can act for you and speak to them.

The act of transferring solicitors is a simple one. You need to sign a form and the new lawyers will obtain papers from the old lawyers and then take matters from there. Before you do that, speak to new lawyers and get a feel for who would be acting for you and how that process would be and decide whether you would feel more comfortable in that situation and have more confidence in the process and in the eventual outcome.

Here at Parnalls we have great experience of taking over claims that have been started by other lawyers. It is something we do frequently and have no problem with. We always speak to clients at the outset, whether that is in person or on the telephone, whichever suits the client, to explain what the process of transfer would involve and how we would run the claim.

If you would like to discuss transferring your accident claim to us here at Parnalls please get in touch with Katherine Flashman Kitson, Director of the Litigation Department here at Parnalls on 01566 772375 or email

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